Timmins Centennial Public School Home

Moose Hide Campaign Day

May 16, 2024, is recognized as Moose Hide Campaign Day. The Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement grounded in Indigenous ceremony and traditional ways of learning and healing. Since its beginning over ten years ago, it has grown into a Canadian-wide movement with a collective commitment to taking action to end violence against women and children.

World Education Support Personnel Day

Today, we celebrate World Education Support Personnel Day and the dedicated staff members who play a pivotal role in supporting the success of our DSB1 students. Thank you for your commitment to helping to empower all learners to achieve personal excellence and creating a positive and inclusive learning environment.

To join DSB1 and help support learners in their success, explore the career opportunities available by clicking the title.

Core Education Funding

Click the title to view a summary document of the province's education budget, which provides a general overview of how Ontario funds schools across our province.

About our School

Principal: Christy Lafontaine
Vice-Principal: Liane Vipond 
We strive to provide experiences and learning opportunities reflecting student interests and aptitudes which helps students to develop self-esteem and respect for others in a positive "school family" atmosphere. This interest based learning environment affords children academic, social and personal growth which enables them to fuel their passion for learning.